Fiona Everest: Daily Musings from Ireland

~To Enjoy Life to it's Fullest~

Prince Of Persia (One of Disneys better movies)

Last night I watched the Prince of Persia for the first time.  And I must say it was much better than I thought it was going to be. 🙂  Here is a clip and the trailer.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day :)

Here is a song I just loved and couldn’t resist posting! 🙂  Happy Saint Patrick’s day to all!!!! 🙂

Did you wear green?   I *ashamed face* didn’t.


The sad thing about this is, I like Han better, but it looks like Kirk would win this one. 🙂

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

As of late, I have been reading a lot more than I am used to, all of the Sherlock Holmes, the Borrowers (that is such a cute book by the way) and right now I am starting 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.  It is AWESOME!!  I have already read Around the World in Eighty Days, and loved his writing style so much; I decided to try this one.  I am not disappointed in any way shape or form.  I am also watching the old movie of it, they got a lot of things wrong though *sniff* .  And after I am finished with it I am going to read Michael Strogoff, and Five weeks in a Balloon, I definitely recommend the old movie of Five weeks in a Balloon, it is thoroughly enjoyable, and it has Red Buttons in it (he is one of my favorite old actors.) 

Bye, Fiona Elizabeth Everest

The Future…

I-Robot is going to come true I guess…. 🙂

Puppy vs. Mirror

Really!? *gasp*

There is this really nice lady (I am going to change her name)  Ms. Tanner,  who wants me to do a Gluten-Free Baking Class.  I am…to put it amazingly lightly, scared stiff!  It sounds like a lot of fun and all, and I am excited in a way, but me myself, I don’t think I am perfectly qualified to do the job. 🙂  But I read the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris,  and I will give it a try.  I will also need MEGA moral support *gives sister side glance* 🙂

Okay off the subject of baking,  my sister and I are doing this Writing Class done by…I forget…and it is, I am not sure how to put it, but it is funny and kind of enlightening at the same time.  The lady that does it seems like she would be a nice lady to know in real life.  Oh and this thing is a Webenar (that is such a strange word…) so you get a whole lot of charts and diagrams done really really fast in front of you. 🙂  You can barely finish what she says before she changes to the next subject…sounds an awful lot like me. 🙂

Pip pip.

Julian Smith #2

Jullian Smith

…ok… 🙂

Love the Weekends

Who doesn’t love weekends?  To me it is my baking time, shopping time, none-school related reading time, and time to catch up on my sleeping… which I have not been getting enough of. 🙂   

School is going okay.  I started a new history book,  a new science book (which is a lot of fun) and some other new book that I can not,  for the life of me,  remember the name of it. 🙂   My favorite subject is Algebra right now…it will probably change in a month or so though. 🙂

My brother is now…*drum roll please*…ENGAGED!!! WHOOHOO!!! I am SO happy for him. 🙂  He proposed to her yesterday. 🙂 *claps hands jumping up and down while screaming at the top of my lungs* 🙂

So as you can see a lot happened yesterday. 🙂

I made homemade Poptarts yesterday, they turned out good. 🙂  Thankfully my Mom got the Seedless Strawberry jam instead of the other kind*shudders* I cannot stand jam with junks of fruit and seeds in it, bad for my taste-buds and braces. 🙂

I had better go now,


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