Fiona Everest: Daily Musings from Ireland

~To Enjoy Life to it's Fullest~

Archive for the tag “Fun”

Toy Story In Reverse!


My sister and I were watching the Prince Caspian trailor in reverse (which is very funny by the way) and we came across these two clips and it had us cracking up! 🙂  I hope you like them.

BTW,  they are very, very stupid. 🙂


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

As of late, I have been reading a lot more than I am used to, all of the Sherlock Holmes, the Borrowers (that is such a cute book by the way) and right now I am starting 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.  It is AWESOME!!  I have already read Around the World in Eighty Days, and loved his writing style so much; I decided to try this one.  I am not disappointed in any way shape or form.  I am also watching the old movie of it, they got a lot of things wrong though *sniff* .  And after I am finished with it I am going to read Michael Strogoff, and Five weeks in a Balloon, I definitely recommend the old movie of Five weeks in a Balloon, it is thoroughly enjoyable, and it has Red Buttons in it (he is one of my favorite old actors.) 

Bye, Fiona Elizabeth Everest

Really!? *gasp*

There is this really nice lady (I am going to change her name)  Ms. Tanner,  who wants me to do a Gluten-Free Baking Class.  I am…to put it amazingly lightly, scared stiff!  It sounds like a lot of fun and all, and I am excited in a way, but me myself, I don’t think I am perfectly qualified to do the job. 🙂  But I read the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris,  and I will give it a try.  I will also need MEGA moral support *gives sister side glance* 🙂

Okay off the subject of baking,  my sister and I are doing this Writing Class done by…I forget…and it is, I am not sure how to put it, but it is funny and kind of enlightening at the same time.  The lady that does it seems like she would be a nice lady to know in real life.  Oh and this thing is a Webenar (that is such a strange word…) so you get a whole lot of charts and diagrams done really really fast in front of you. 🙂  You can barely finish what she says before she changes to the next subject…sounds an awful lot like me. 🙂

Pip pip.

38 Lions + 1 Man = 1 incredible friendship!

This man is totally amazing!!! 🙂

Sherlock Holmes

And here is a snippet of my favorite book Sherlock Holmes.   It is from The Speckled Band.

 The ejaculation had been drawn from my companion by the fact that our door had been suddenly dashed open, and that a huge man had framed himself in the aperture.  His costume was a peculiar mixture of the professional and of the agricultural, having a black top hat, a long frock-coat, and a pair of high gaiters, with a hunting-crop swinging in his hand.   So tall was he that his hat actually brushed the cross-bar of the doorway, and his breadth seemed to span it across from side to side.   A large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun, and marked with every evil passion, was turned from one to the other of us, while his deep-set, bile-shot eyes, and his high, thin, fleshless nos, gave him somewhat the resemblance to a fierce bird of prey.

 “Which of you is Holmes?” asked this apparition.

  “My name, sire; but you have the advantage of me,” said my companion quietly.

  “I am Dr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran.”

  “Indeed, Doctor,” said Holmes blandly.  “Pray take a seat.”

  “I will do nothing of the kind.   My stepdaughter has been here.  I have traced her.   What has she been saying to you?”

  It is a little cold for the time of year,” said Holmes.

  “What has she been saying to you?” screamed the old man furiously.

   “But I have heard that the crocuses promise wall,” continued my companion imperturbably.

  “Ha!  you put me off, do you?” said our new visitor, taking a step forward and shaking his hunting-crop.  “I know you, you scoundrel!  I have heard of you before.  You are Homes, The meddler.”

My friend smiled.

“Holmes the busybody!”

His smile broadened.

“Holmes, the Scotland Yard jack-n-office!”

Holmes chuckled heartily.  “Your conversation is most entertaining, ” said he.   “when you go out close the door, for there is a decided draft.

“I will go when I have said my say.  Don’t you dare try to meddle with my affairs.   I know that Miss Stoner has been here, I traced her!  I am a dangerous man to fall foul of!  See here. ”  He stepped swiftly forward, seized the poker, and bent it into a curve with his huge brown hands. 

“See that you keep yourself out of my grip,” he snarled, and hurling the twisted poker into the fireplace he strode out of the room.

“He seems a very amiable person,” said Holmes, laughing.  “I am not quite so bulky, but if he had remained I might have shown him that my grip was not much more feeble than his own.”  As he spoke he picked up the steel poker, and with a sudden effort straightened it out again.  “Fancy his having the insolence to confound me with the official detective force!”

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