Fiona Everest: Daily Musings from Ireland

~To Enjoy Life to it's Fullest~

Archive for the category “Musings”

Found it…

I finally found the picture with Sean Bean in it! 🙂  It was in the middle of my pictures (I have a ton of them) 🙂   I thought this picture was…well….rather interesting. 🙂


Fiona Elizabeth Everest

How Star Wars IV should have ended…tehe

     The ending of this video had my sister and I in stitches.   

     We are going to be watching the Revenge of the Sith movie tomorrow, and my sister says that I will be crying my head off.  I think I agree, the end of Anakin sounds *winces* rather painful.


     Fiona Elizabeth Everest

Pure and Simple

     Lately I have been trying to find the good and simple things life brings our way.  And to my surprise, there are a lot,  and I never even acknowledged them. 

     My favorites are, taking walks in the rain (another then being pure and simple, it is a 100% free),  reading books, making tea, watching children play, blowing bubbles,  napping (I could sleep all day),  running down a steep hill (it is the adventurous person in me), trying new hair does,  watching my sister do the dishes (I don’t know why, but I have always like watching people do dishes, maybe it is because I am not the one doing them *shrugs shoulders*), looking at different fingernail polishes,  staying up late,  talking with my sister, and the best of all, eating anything chocolate.   

       As you can see, I found a lot of things I enjoy that are Pure and  Simple, and for me this is rather large step, because I am a pessimist by nature, and trying to find good things is very difficult at times. 🙂

     What are you’re favorite Pure and Simple things?

     Bye for now,

   Fiona Elizabeth Everest


Devoted Zits Admirer

I love the comic-strip Zits, it is my second favorite, the first is Baby Blues.  Anyway, I find this comics very funny, and pretty close to actual reality.

I also found some Zits comic strips in video form (much easier than finding actual pictures I am telling you) and I hope you enjoy them. 🙂

Toy Story In Reverse!


My sister and I were watching the Prince Caspian trailor in reverse (which is very funny by the way) and we came across these two clips and it had us cracking up! 🙂  I hope you like them.

BTW,  they are very, very stupid. 🙂


Me + Photofunia = CRAZY!

Sorry about not posting sooner, but I have been very busy of late. 🙂   So…to get on with the post.  My sister recently found a website called and you can go and change your pictures into the craziest things. 🙂   So here are some pictures that I did.  Oh, and my computer has a small glitch or something so I can separate the pictures while I am doing this so I will just number them and stuff. 🙂

1.  The jolly bunny saver and lollipop thief,  I look rather…odd don’t I?

2.  Don’t tell my Mom that I broke a window… 🙂

3. …okay…kinda creepy…

4.   *grins* I couldn’t resist doing this one.

5.  Now you know what I did this winter. 🙂

6.   I don’t think a Jedi would be grinning right before a battle.  Unless of course he was mentally deranged.

7.  …this one made my hair look bad…well so did the first one. 🙂

I did actually have one were I was on the cover of a movie with Sean Bean in it but I couldn’t find it. 🙂


Fiona Elizabeth Everest.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day :)

Here is a song I just loved and couldn’t resist posting! 🙂  Happy Saint Patrick’s day to all!!!! 🙂

Did you wear green?   I *ashamed face* didn’t.


The sad thing about this is, I like Han better, but it looks like Kirk would win this one. 🙂

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

As of late, I have been reading a lot more than I am used to, all of the Sherlock Holmes, the Borrowers (that is such a cute book by the way) and right now I am starting 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.  It is AWESOME!!  I have already read Around the World in Eighty Days, and loved his writing style so much; I decided to try this one.  I am not disappointed in any way shape or form.  I am also watching the old movie of it, they got a lot of things wrong though *sniff* .  And after I am finished with it I am going to read Michael Strogoff, and Five weeks in a Balloon, I definitely recommend the old movie of Five weeks in a Balloon, it is thoroughly enjoyable, and it has Red Buttons in it (he is one of my favorite old actors.) 

Bye, Fiona Elizabeth Everest

Really!? *gasp*

There is this really nice lady (I am going to change her name)  Ms. Tanner,  who wants me to do a Gluten-Free Baking Class.  I am…to put it amazingly lightly, scared stiff!  It sounds like a lot of fun and all, and I am excited in a way, but me myself, I don’t think I am perfectly qualified to do the job. 🙂  But I read the book Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris,  and I will give it a try.  I will also need MEGA moral support *gives sister side glance* 🙂

Okay off the subject of baking,  my sister and I are doing this Writing Class done by…I forget…and it is, I am not sure how to put it, but it is funny and kind of enlightening at the same time.  The lady that does it seems like she would be a nice lady to know in real life.  Oh and this thing is a Webenar (that is such a strange word…) so you get a whole lot of charts and diagrams done really really fast in front of you. 🙂  You can barely finish what she says before she changes to the next subject…sounds an awful lot like me. 🙂

Pip pip.

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